Alimentação, suplementação e performance

Transforme sua vida com dicas de nutrição, treinos e hábitos saudáveis para alta performance.

white Come Run With Us neon signage

Suplementação para corredores

Para corredores que buscam melhorar sua performance no esporte, a suplementação adequada pode fazer toda a diferença. Uma combinação de nutrientes específicos pode proporcionar maior energia, resistência e recuperação após treinos intensos.

Entre os suplementos mais recomendados estão os que contêm carboidratos de rápida absorção, como gels e bebidas isotônicas, que ajudam a manter os níveis de glicose durante longas corridas.

Além disso, a inclusão de proteínas, especialmente em forma de pós - como whey protein - pode acelerar a recuperação muscular e contribuir para o desenvolvimento da força. Os aminoácidos essenciais, como BCAAs, também são benéficos para reduzir a fadiga e o dano muscular.

Por último, a hidratação é fundamental, sendo importante considerar eletrólitos para repor os sais perdidos através do suor. Com uma suplementação apropriada, os corredores podem otimizar sua performance e alcançar novos níveis em suas atividades.

Iniciando uma suplementação básica para sua performance na corrida

a white bottle with red and white pills
a white bottle with red and white pills
a man holding a pink drink in his hand
a man holding a pink drink in his hand

Vida Equilibrada

Dicas e produtos para alimentação, treino e hábitos saudáveis.

A container of GoldTouch Nutrition's Crea Mix supplement is positioned among colorful weight plates. The container features vibrant colors and text highlighting '10 types of creatine' with claims of being fast-acting and long-lasting. The weight plates are numbered 5, 10, and 15 in yellow, red, green, and blue colors and are arranged around the supplement container.
A container of GoldTouch Nutrition's Crea Mix supplement is positioned among colorful weight plates. The container features vibrant colors and text highlighting '10 types of creatine' with claims of being fast-acting and long-lasting. The weight plates are numbered 5, 10, and 15 in yellow, red, green, and blue colors and are arranged around the supplement container.
A storefront window with the logo 'MEALPRO' and the tagline 'FOR THE ATHLETE IN YOU' displayed prominently. There is a lightbulb graphic containing a fork inside it next to the logo. Surrounding the window, there are sections of a building facade including parts of two adjacent doors.
A storefront window with the logo 'MEALPRO' and the tagline 'FOR THE ATHLETE IN YOU' displayed prominently. There is a lightbulb graphic containing a fork inside it next to the logo. Surrounding the window, there are sections of a building facade including parts of two adjacent doors.
A person stands in front of a brick storefront with a large window displaying the words 'MealPro, For the Athlete in You.' A tree and some shrubs are visible on the right-hand side, and a sign prohibiting smoking is on the left. The awning above the storefront is a muted red color, and the door and window frames are dark.
A person stands in front of a brick storefront with a large window displaying the words 'MealPro, For the Athlete in You.' A tree and some shrubs are visible on the right-hand side, and a sign prohibiting smoking is on the left. The awning above the storefront is a muted red color, and the door and window frames are dark.
A person is pouring liquid from a glass bottle into a white shaker or tumbler with a green emblem on the side. A protein or recovery shake package labeled 'Lyfefuel' is nearby on the countertop. The person is wearing a light gray zip-up athletic top, and a separate shaker lid rests on the surface.
A person is pouring liquid from a glass bottle into a white shaker or tumbler with a green emblem on the side. A protein or recovery shake package labeled 'Lyfefuel' is nearby on the countertop. The person is wearing a light gray zip-up athletic top, and a separate shaker lid rests on the surface.
A person holding a black container labeled 'Super Human Pre-Workout' by Alpha Lion. The label has yellow and red text, indicating that it is a dietary supplement with a 'Lion's Blood Red Gummy Bear' flavor. The person's hands are visible, and they are wearing a dark shirt.
A person holding a black container labeled 'Super Human Pre-Workout' by Alpha Lion. The label has yellow and red text, indicating that it is a dietary supplement with a 'Lion's Blood Red Gummy Bear' flavor. The person's hands are visible, and they are wearing a dark shirt.
A person is running while wearing a white athletic tank top and reflective sunglasses. They are holding a packet of gel or energy drink in one hand. The background is blurred, suggesting motion and focus on the subject.
A person is running while wearing a white athletic tank top and reflective sunglasses. They are holding a packet of gel or energy drink in one hand. The background is blurred, suggesting motion and focus on the subject.